August 21, 2014

August 15, 2014

Nature's Ball of Life

A commission piece for a private collector.


The earth is now being devastated by the human beings. Most of us care more about our standard of living. Most of us care more about our own welfare than we do about that future generations. Protecting the planet doesn't requires neglecting our own interests.

We often think and act as if we were not part of nature. Rather than thinking of ourselves as nested in nature and dependent upon it, we think of ourselves as sitting on top of it, managing it. We think there is the human world and the natural world, and we forget that we are ourselves, with all our technology, part of nature.

Vast animal slaughter and environmental degradation currently plaguing our world. Killing one another. Bombing other nations. Waging war. This is all happening today!

Through all the devastation and cruelty to our Mother Earth, her little daughter "Princess Nature" still seeks goodness in mankind. Willing to put all her powers and life to give balance again in our living home. A ball of life to regain the full restoration of Planet Earth just to save us.

After all what we have done, Princess Nature still hopes and believes that we have a chance to change for a better.

Lets not forget that Mother Earth is the source of life, nourishment and learning and provides everything we need to live well. Just as human beings have human rights, all other beings also have rights which are specific to their species or kind and appropriate for their role and function within the communities within which they exist. Lets guarantee peace and eliminate nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

Nature is about balancing what is good for human beings against what is good for other species, what is good for the planet as a world. It is the holistic recognition that all life, all ecosystems on our planet are deeply intertwined.

© The Artistry of FlickPicasso 2014. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited. 

August 5, 2014

My eyeglass is too worn out. It needs to be replaced hahaha !
Cant take the pain of wearing contact lens anymore. It makes me dizzy and irritated. I really need to push on wearing again a new eyeglass.

Im having trouble as well with doing my drawings and watching and browsing.
The bad thing with eyeglass is that im too careless on keeping it protected. Im too clumsy. Yeah I am ! Hahaha

This time I will make sure to take care my new next eyeglass for sure. [crossfingers]
My vision is around 270-290 both eyes.