Q: How do I buy your original art?
A: I almost always sell original art through FadedClash or my Online Store. Sign up to my mailing list to be added to the preview list.

Q: I can't find anything of yours for sale - do you have any hidden inventory I could buy?
A: No, if I have something to sell, I will post it publicly and there will be a link to it! Otherwise, it's sold out from the retailer, and I have no more.

Q: How will I know when you have items for sale?
A: Follow me online. When items become available, I will announce the sale at least a week beforehand along with a link and purchasing instructions. You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or this blog. If you'd like to get blog updates by email, fill out the "Follow Blog By Email" box on the right hand column of the blog. I don't do surprise sales, I always announce them in advance.

Q: Do you do commission work?
A: Not at the moment. if I decide to, I will announce it.

Q: How much are your figures?
A: It depends on the size and complexity. Original art ranges for $100 - $3000 USD, usually landing somewhere in the mid range.

Q: Why don't you make more items to sell?
A: I make a LOT, but I am only one person. The problem for the consumer is that they sell out immediately. It's a good problem to have for me, but not you, so I am working on more items with bigger editions at a lower price.


Q: Can I get a tattoo of your work?
A: First of all, YES! THANK YOU, it's super flattering that anyone would want to get one of my creations permanently marked onto their body! I do have a few guidelines for anyone wishing to do this though:

•PLEASE go to a reputable tattoo artist! Look at their portfolio, make sure they can handle doing CLEAN and ACCURATE linework. Look for subtlety in their black and grey work, ESPECIALLY if you're getting one of my drawings done. I HAVE seen some bad ones. I want YOU to get the best work you can on YOUR body, which means you'll have to pay more for quality, but you'll be happier that you did!

•PLEASE credit me as the original artist if you post photos of the work anywhere, it's just polite, thanks!

•PLEASE send me a GOOD photo of the finished work! I love to share your dedication with my other fans!

Q: This person on Ebay/Etsy/the internet is totally ripping you off!
A: Yeah, I know. They do that, it's not cool, and I'm not happy about it. I'll just keep doing what I do, but better than the copycats.

Q: Can I use your art for free on my kids book/flyer/album cover? It's great exposure!
A: No, that's stealing. If you'd REALLY like to use an image of mine that already exists, you can license it from me for a fee.

Q: Where do you get the supplies you use to make your art?
A: All over. I order some from the internet, and buy some locally. It's taken me few years to learn all the things I need to make my work, and I learned it all through research and experience. All the info is out there, so get it!

Q: Will you show at my gallery?
A: For sure but let me know the details of the shows you want me to be with first.

Q: May I use your photos on my blog/Pinterest/social media page?
A: Yes, but please keep my watermark intact and provide a credit and link back to me. It's just proper internet etiquette!

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